FAQ Check
Current Partner Progress
Goal: 100% by Dec 31st, 2023
Monthly Need Met
Need Left
Recurring Donors
Where is my money actually going?
Donations processed through our website are routed to Trinity Presbyterian Church of Orange County. Then they write us a paycheck.
Are my donations tax deductible?
Yes. Because we have partnered with Trinity, a 501(c)(3) organization, your donations are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.
Alright, so how exactly are the donations being used?
Support raising process (gas, meals, printed materials, etc.)
Keeping us alive
For now, most of our time is spent raising support. But the closer we get to reaching our support goal, the less time we will need to spend on support raising, and the more time and energy we will be able to focus on ministry.
Why isn’t the church paying you/Why should I give you money to work at another church?
At this time, Trinity does not have the financial resources to fully support us, though they are providing a small stipend. While we will be working directly with Trinity, our desire is to share helpful resources and teachings that can be used to empower believers and churches everywhere, to Orange County and beyond!
Why can’t you just get “real” jobs while you do all that stuff?
We would like to make the argument that fundraising is a real job. Nonprofits such as World Vision and the Salvation Army exist because there are people behind the scenes who do this for a living. We don’t have the dedicated staff to do this yet, so we have the privilege of doing it with you!
Also, the reality is that we want to dedicate as much of our time as possible to seeing all the ministry goals accomplished. The more that is given, the greater our capacity becomes to serve. If we go the traditional job route, the less time we have, and the longer that would take.
Ministry Time and Giving Relationship (Hours)
Is your ministry actually endorsed, or are you just making stuff up?
Yes! We have been approved by the Session (body of elders) of Trinity Presbyterian Church of Orange County (Trinity) to work as Mercy & Missions Coordinator and Mercy & Missions Executive Assistant at Trinity. Our governance and oversight is given by the Session of Trinity. Trinity belongs to the South Coast Presbytery within the PCA Network. You can download our reference here:
The last
5 years:
Our goals included, but are not limited to:
Getting to know the Trinity culture and its members
Organizing local outreach projects in Orange County
Teaching about local and global missions
Training people on how to evangelize in their workplaces, neighborhoods, and other areas of influence
Helping create a pipeline to assess, train, send, and support the mission arm at Trinity
Keeping in regular contact with missionaries on the field
Collecting stories from the mission field and sharing them with church members
Visiting and encouraging missionaries on the field
Putting together yearly short-term mission trips for Trinity as a way to cultivate and nurture the future generation of goers and senders of all ages.
Developing training classes to help the members of Trinity understand how to be engaged in God’s mission locally and globally.
Helping train interested church members how to grow in using their skills and giftings in real-world settings.
Helping disciple our members to understand calling and that all are called to varying forms of mission and ministry
Creating an assessment program to determine and help disciple future candidates for the possibility of being sent overseas. This will be done through assisting each candidate to learn and understand their convictions, calling, character, and competencies through community (e.g., life groups).
Writing and creating videos on these topics to empower other believers and churches in carrying out the Great Commission
Attending seminary for further theological and ministry education
Start and develop a compassion team